S. No. 112 Vishrantwadi Zopadpatti(slum), Bhimnagar Zopadpatti(slum), Ekatanagar Zopadpatti(slum),' Akshaya Residency, Sant Tukaramnagar, Vidhyanagar, Adarsh Colony (partly). Tingarenagar (part), Father Mikel Society, Hari Prasad Society. Sidhheshwarnagar, Vaibhav colony, Kumar Samrudhi
From the intersection of Alandi road and PMC old limit ( to the South of Defence department) towards the East along the old PMC limit upto Dhanori road and further to the North along the Dhanori road to meet old PMC boundary and then to the East along PMC's old limit to meet the nalla in Dhanori and further to the East along the said nalla to meet the road running on the Western side of Vidhyanagar Samparka Karyalaya
From the intersection of nalla in Dhanori and Vidhyanagar and the road on Western side of Vidhyanagar Samparka Karyalaya towards the South along the road on the Western side of Vidhyanagar Sampark karyalaya to meet the road along the boundary of Yerawada Dhanori and then to the West along the said road upto Lane No.6 of Adrashanagar and further to the South along the Lane No.6 in Adrashnagar to meet (Mukundrao Ambedkar) road.
From the intersection of Lane No. 6 of Adarshanagar and Mukundrao Ambedkar road to the West along (Vishrantwadi Lohogaon road ) Mukundrao Ambedkar road upto Mukundrao Ambedkar chowk on Alandi road.
From Mukundrao Ambedkar chowk where Mukundrao Ambedkar road intersects Alandi road towards the North along Alandi road to meet PMC old limit, (on the Southern side of Defence Department) |