Shivaji Maratha High School, Wadia Hospital Subhashnagar, Bhikardas Maruti Mandir, Bajirao raod telephone exchange, Acharya Atre Hall
From the intersection of road on West side of Grahak Peth and C.V. Joshi road towards East by the C.V. Joshi road crossing Shridhar Swami chowk to meet M.C. Ptonis road at Graham he I chowk on Bajirao road and then to the North and further East by the M.C.Ptonis road crossing Vande Mataram chowk to meet Balaji "Rakhmaji Gaikwad road at Arvind Babu Ghosh chowk on Shivaji road and then to the East by Balaji Rakhmaji Gaikwad road to meet Bhau Mansaram Naik road at Shitala devi chowk
From Shitala Devi chowk on Balaji Rakhmaji Gaikwad road towards South by Bhau Manasaram Naik road upto the chowk near Panchahaud Mission tower and then to the West by the North side road of Bhau Manasaram Naik society to meet Panghanti road at chowk near Vastusadan building and then to the South by' the Panghanti road and further by Shivaji road to meet Tilak road at Keshavrao Jedhe chowk
South and West:
From Keshavrao Jedhe chowk towards North West by Tilak road to meet road on West side of Grahak peth and then to the North by road to meet C.V. Joshi road . |