Reservedfor woman in general category
Parvati Gatohan, Janata vasahat(part),pune mahila
mandal.hostel of Ex serviceman's childern,Nandadeep
From the point of Intersection of pipeline going from Parvati water works to reservoir on Parvati hill and Mutha canal towards east by Mutha canal to meet Ambil Odha on the west side of Mitramandal colony
From the point of Intersection of Mutha canal and Ambil Odha on the west side of Mitramandal colony towards south by Ambil Odha to meet Nala coming from Varshanagar society
South and west:
From the point of Intersection of Ambil Odha and Nala coming from Varshanagar society towards west by nala to meet Bhide road and then towards north by Bhide road to meet Maruti Genuji Jadhav road and then towards west by Maruti Genuji Jadhav road up to Parvati House No. 168 /3 and then towards West by the boundary of forest on the North side of Janki Nivas and further to South West by Parvati forest boundary and further by Western boundary of Shahu College to meet Southwest compound wall of reservoir and then towards Northeast by compound wall of reservoir to meet water pipe line coming from Parvati water works and then towards North East by water pipe line and further by eastern wall of Mr. Dynanoba Phanse's house and further by water pipe line (North side of Mauli krippa Bhaji market shop)to meet Mutha right bank canal. |