Panchhaud Misson Tower, Makka Mosque, Devlachi Talim, Aapla Maruti Mandir, Mutton Market, Keshavrao
Jedhe School, Kaikad Galli
From the intersection of Bhau Mansaram Naik road and
Balaji Rakmaji Gaikwad road at Shitala Devi chowk towards East by the B :!aji Rakhmaji Gaikwad road crossing Krishna Haiti chowk, Holkar chowk and Devlachi Talim chowk to meet Savilribai Phule road at Jana master chowk
From the intersection of Savitribai Phule road and Balaji
Rakhamaji Gaikwad road at Janamastar chowk towards
South by the Savitribai Phule road to meet Maulana Abdul
Huk road at Chandtara chowk and then to the West by the
Abdul Huk road to meet Maharana Pratap road at Maulana
Abdul Hak chowk and then to the South by Maharana
Pratap road to meet East West road at Vijay Kadam chowk
From the intersection of Maharana Pratap road and East
West road at Vijay Kadam chowk towards West by the
road to meet Bhau Mansaram Naik road at Nivruti Maruti
Bhonde chowk
From Nivruti Maruti Bhonde chowk towards North by the
Bhau Mansaram Naik road to meet Balaji Rakhmaji
Gaikwad road at Shitala devi chowk. |