Reserved For Women In Scheduled Caste
Kasturba Society (Part), Shantinagar Slum, Bharatnagar Slum, Ranakapoor Darshan. Jadhavnagar, Nanasaheb Parulekar Vidyalaya, Mohanwadi, Pratiknagar (Part)
From the junction of Mula river and nalla on Northern side of Shantinagar towards East by the said nalla upto Alandi road on Sant Dnyaneshwar bridge then to the North by Alandi road upto Mukundrao Ambedkar road (Vishrantwadi Lohogaon road) then to the East by Mukundrao Ambedkar road (Vishrantwadi Lohogaon road) to meet Shankarrao Jadhav on eastern side of Kasturba Society
From the intersection of Mukundrao Ambedkar road and Shankarrao Jadhav road (road on Eastern side of Kasturba Society) towards South by the Shankarrao Jadhav road crossing road going towards Pratiknagar then to the South crossing Hussainsha baba chowk by Hussainsha Baba road to meet the road leading to Central Jail (Samrat Ashok road)
From the intersection of Hussainsha Baba road and road going towards Central Jail (Samrat Ashok road) towards West along the road coming from Central Jail (Samrat Ashok road) upto the Alandi road near chowk at Vishrantwadi police station then to the South by the Alandi road upto the Northern boundary of MES water works then to the West by the Northern boundary of MES water works to meet the Mula river.
From the intersection of Northern boundary of MES water works and Mula river towards North along the Mula river upto the Nalla on the Northern side of Shantinagar. |