Magarpatta City, Bhosalenagar, PMC Dispensary, Arunnagar, Sumatibai Shah Aurvedic college, Jai Prakash
Society, Rajashree Shahu Maharaj Dispensary
From the junction of road on the eastern side of Rajashree
Shahu Maharaj dispensary and Pune Cantonment limit . towards East by the Cantonment limit to meet road on boundary between Hadapsar Mundhwa then to the east by the road on boundary of Hadapsar-Mundhwa crossing Mundhwa bye pass road by boundary of Mundhwa Hadapsar to meet nalla at the PMC limit on East side of Hadapsar S.No. 135
From the intersection of nalla on Eastern side of S.No. 135
Hadapsar and boundary between Hadapsar Mundhwa
towards the South by PMC limit along the nalla to
intersect Southern boundary of Sadesatara Nali and further
to the East by PMC limit to meet the intersection of PMC
limit near S.No. 168 Sadesatara Nali and then to the south
'by North South road along Western side of
Chandrabhaga Baburao tupe Vidayalaya and further along
western side of Sane Guruji Hospital and there after by
the road on the Western side of Canal near S. No. 227
Hadapsar to meet Pune Solapur Highway.
From the intersection of.North South, road on the Western . side of Canal and Pune Solapur road near S.No.227 Hadapsar towards the West by Pune-Solapur road to meet new Mutha right bank canal
From the intersection of Pune Solapur road and New
Mutha right bank canal towards the North by new Mutha
canal upto the old canal near Southern boundary of
S.No. 115 Hadapsar then to the North and furhtcr to the
West along old Canal to meet North South road on the
Western side of Rajashri Shahu Maharaj dispansary then to
the North by said road to meet Pune Cantonment limit (Southern limit of Shirke Siporex company) |