Reserved for Scheduled caste
Shivaji Stadium. Gosavi Wasti (slum), Juna Bazar, Kadaba
Kutti, Kasha Pumping Station. Kagadi-pura
From the intersection of Mutha river and Pune Mumbai
railway line near Sangani bridge towards the East by
railway line to meet Tatyasahab Rambhau Zambre (Patil)
From the intersection of Pune Mumbai railway line and
Tatyasahab Rambhau Zambare (Patil) road towards south
by Tatyasahab Rambhau Zambare (Patil) road and then by
Babasahab Ambedkar road and further by Jayram Vithuji
Chavan road to meet Manik nalia.
From the intersection of Jayram Vithuji- Chavan road and
Manik nalla towards the West by Manik nalla to meet
Nagzari nalla and then to the South by Nagzari nalla to
meet Agarwal road at Siddheshwar chowk and further to
the West by Agarwal road to ITKV' Blun A'i road between
house nos. 1200 and 1201 'Kasha peth.
From the intersection of Agarwal road and road between
house nos. 1 200 and 1 20 1 Kasba peth towards the North by
the road to meet the road on the Northern side of House
nos. 1 137 and 1161 Kasba peth (Kasba Credit Society)and
then to the West by road on the North side of 1137
Kasaba to meet -the road going towards Dengle Bridge at
Punyeshwar chowk (near House no. 1259 Kasba ) towards
north by the road going towards Degale bridge crossing
Kumbhar Vcs-chowk to meet Mutha river near Dengale
bridge and then to the North- West by Mutha river to meet
Pune Mumbai railway line near Sangam bridge. |