Reserved for sheduled cast
Lohiyanagar, PMC Colony No. 8 and 9, Gulshan Bekary
From the intersection of Maulana Abdul Huk road and
Maharana Pratap road at Maulana Abdul Huk chowk
towards East by Maulana Abdul Huk road upto Chandtara
chowk and then to the North by the road to meet
Mahamuni Markandeya road and then to the East by the
Mahamuni Markandeya road to meet Nagazari Nalla
From the intersection of Mahamuni Markandeya road and
Nagzari Nalla towards South by the Nagzari Nalla to meet
Southern boundary of Sulabh Shauchalaya near Suryakiran
Mitra Mandal in the Lohiyanagar
From the intersection of Nagazari Nalla and Southern side
of Sulabh Shauchalaya near Suryakiran Mitra Mandal in
the Lohiyanagar towards West by the Said boundary and
further by the road crossing Vishwanath Dadasaheb
Khedkar chowk and Babu Mamdi chowk and further by
Southern side of Aanganwadi No. 101 to meet Eastern
compound wall PMC colony No. 9 and then to the South
by the said Eastern compound wall of PMC colony No.9 to
meet road on the northern side of Mahatma Gandhi Urdu
Vidyalaya and then to West by the said road (North side
road of Mahatma Gandhi Urdu Vidyalaya) to meet
Maharana Pratap road near Vijay Kadam chowk.
From the intersection of North side road of Mahatama
Gandhi Urdu Vidyalaya and Maharana Pratap road near
Vijay Kadam Chowk, towards North by the Maharana
Pratap road to meet Maulana Abdul Huk road at Maulana
Abdul Huk chowk |